How to Trust Your Intuition if It’s Been Wrong Before

It goes without saying that a person’s intuition isn’t infallible. As much as I’d like to promise you that our soul’s compass is always one hundred percent accurate with one hundred percent clarity, we’re only human—and not many human endeavors are absolute. Even the most talented intuitives get it wrong every once in a while, so be ready for it!

But there’s another aspect of being human that I really love: our ability to make a mistake, get back up, brush ourselves off, and try again tomorrow. It’s a simple yet beautiful cycle of resiliency, and in intuitive studies, it’s especially vital to keep persisting through these little adversities. 

Part of that persistence involves learning how to trust your intuition even when it’s steered you astray in the past. Your relationship with your spirit guides depends on that trust, and it’ll inevitably be tested by life’s ups and downs. It helps to be reminded of our power and to reinforce the fact that your intuition is a profound tool on both good and bad days. 

Affirmations to Remember

Let’s embark on a deep dive (or a leap of faith) into how to trust your intuition, past errors aside. First, I want to supply you with a few important affirmations that will come in handy throughout your journey to sharpen your intuitive skills. 

The connection we have to our highest self is a special one—it warrants thoughtful maintenance and care, so tending to it with daily affirmations creates a beneficial habit in your spiritual practice regardless of how strong or weak that connection has gotten. After all, you might just need a little boost to better receive the signs that foster your intuition!

Here are some wonderful affirmations you can use as a mantra or simply recite to yourself throughout the day to bring yourself back into alignment with your intuitive path:

I am a strong and capable person. I am constantly learning. I am not my mistakes. I am deserving of great things. I am a conduit for psychic joy. I am striving to be the best version of myself. I am open to the experiences that await me. I am willing to listen. I am receptive to the wisdom of my spirit guides and accept what I do not know. My intuition serves me well.

You can add to these affirmations or take them as they are, but the key is recognizing that not everything will be perfect, and that’s okay. By using them, you can bolster your courage as an individual who’s led by the gift of intuition so that you feel confident enough to trust your gut going forward, warts and all. 

At times, we forget just how incredible intuition truly is. We’re able to tap into information with transcendent origins and apply it to our temporal reality. That’s AMAZING! And it’s not about how often you’re wrong, but how often you’re right. The road to that growth mindset starts with you.

Solidifying the Process

Affirming your intuition’s legitimacy allows you to then focus on what you can do each day to further your abilities. While it’s tough to believe in yourself if you’ve been burned before, this natural reaction shouldn’t prevent you from relying on your intuition. There are several concrete ways to increase your intuition’s efficacy:

Identify Patterns of Right vs. Wrong

Look at how you’ve responded to your intuition previously and consider the ramifications of those moments. Are there specific decisions where your intuition tends to be more (or less) accurate? Maybe common themes or cues arise as problematic for you, for whatever reason. By identifying patterns, you can approach similar scenarios with meaningful insight in the future, perhaps even adjusting your responses to improve your intuitive capabilities.

Invest in Your Own Mindfulness

Cultivating mindfulness connects us to our highest self. Intuitive personalities require regular breaks to stay in tune with that elevated consciousness, which is where mindfulness and accompanying self-care come into play. Tasks such as manifestation, meditation, yoga, breath work, and other healthy outlets provide inspiration and encouragement. Be sure to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations during these different exercises, and stay present to note any intuitive nudges that arise.

Start Small and Stay Patient

Try trusting your intuition in lower-stakes situations where the consequences of a misstep are minimal. This could be as simple as deciding what to eat or which commute to follow until you’ve gradually worked your way back up to more significant decisions as you rebuild faith in your intuition. I emphasize being patient with yourself and acknowledging that doubts are normal. As long as you commit to refining your intuitive abilities consistently, your sense of trust in yourself and your gifts will bloom. Just you wait! 

Embrace the Unknowns

Sometimes, we’re not meant to know exactly what the future holds. Remember: intuition is inherently uncertain! But a big part of reclaiming your power is getting comfortable with the idea that not all decisions will have guaranteed outcomes. It’s okay to follow your intuition even if you can’t totally explain or justify it. The beauty of the unknown lies in how the divine chooses to intervene while we surrender the steering wheel to our soul. It’s a lifelong lesson in letting go.

Reflect to Learn More

Another method for building trust within yourself actually involves sitting in those past encounters with your intuition (being careful not to dwell!) and asking what external or internal factors clouded your judgment or negatively impacted your foresight. You could also share your reservations with trusted friends and peers since an outside perspective can offer the feedback or assurance you need. A soul reader or similar mentor may shed light on the rut you’re in, too, so it’s worthwhile to explore these kinds of resources.

Ride out the Storms

If you’re wondering how to trust your intuition even though it’s not a flawless system, you’re not alone in your hesitation—but you’re on the road to a higher understanding! We have to recognize that there will be misreadings and miscommunications, yet the goal remains the same: we want to improve our intuition in order to live fully and authentically. That includes making mistakes and learning from them, as difficult as that is. 

It can be scary to pick up the pieces after a particularly discouraging wrong turn, but your intuition is there for you no matter the circumstances, forging a path that’s reflective of your soul’s true purpose. Like much about life, it’s complicated.

Luckily, there are materials available to develop your intuition and find your purpose, one of those being my new book, Soul-Led Living. Again, you’re not alone in this ever-evolving journey! I’d be honored to support your intuitive goals. I challenge you to continue practicing and extending yourself some grace as you go. Remember: you’ve got this. 


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