How to Be Inspired Even When You’re Tired: 6 Ideas to Try

If you’ve ever tried to engage yourself in a creative task while tired, then you know firsthand how difficult it is to capture any meaningful inspiration through that fog. We’re living in a world that’s always on the go, defined by how quickly something gets done or how much productive energy we can spare—so it’s inevitable that we’ve gotten a little fatigued!

Intuitive personalities are often empathic ones, too. After all, we have an innate ability to see and feel things that the majority of people can’t, and these supernatural gifts take an understandable toll. We’re left drained or less motivated than normal because of the heavier stuff we face day in and day out. 

There’s a double-edged sword buried deep in intuitive studies: the more attuned you are to the ephemeral, the more vulnerable you are to its burdens.

Even if your intuition is still very much in its infancy, you’ve probably noticed the collective funk of reality intruding on your progress lately, almost as if the new year brought with it a new weariness. It’s not just you! We’re all wondering how to be inspired right now. 

Luckily, there are ways to recenter yourself amidst the turbulence of our modern world. Your intuition doesn’t have to be bogged down by exhaustion any longer—let’s get those creative juices flowing again! Here are six different ideas to keep the inspiration going.

1. Change Up Your Environment

This is one of the easiest modifications you can make. By switching up your surroundings or enhancing your room with decor and accessories, you’re hitting the “reset” button on your space to give yourself a new perspective. Thoughtful changes to our environment invigorate our imagination since we’re most influenced by what we see every day. The first step in recapturing your inspiration is tending to the place you turn to for respite.

As intuitives, our physical and metaphysical senses are on high alert 24/7, and it gets tiring! A cozy and spiritual atmosphere remedies this. If you’re desperate to discover how to be inspired, improving your home base is a great start to beat the fatigue.

2. Reconnect with Nature

We could all use a vacation from the culture of screens and immediacy. What better place to do that than the outdoors? By reconnecting with nature, we’re actually connecting with our higher self, which is a sacred and lifelong bond that blossoms under the influence of Mother Nature’s beauty and wisdom. You learn so much about yourself in this unplugged environment.

The tranquility of the natural world does wonders to cleanse us of the negative energies imposed on us in the unnatural world. So get out there and experience the warm sunlight, cool breezes, aromatic flowers, and stunning views—it’ll reinspire you on a soul level.

3. Move Your Body to Move Your Soul

Tired individuals struggle to follow their soul’s true purpose, as both the body and mind are preoccupied in this state of stagnancy. Just like our soul’s connection with nature, its connection with our body deserves attention. Caring for the body extends to the soul, and movement for the sake of it—think yoga, stretching, or walking in nature—helps to reinvigorate you both inside and out.

Are you feeling especially unmoored or disconnected from yourself? These emotions usually stem from a lack of activities that bring you peace. Try setting intentions to thank your body for its hard work and make a habit of moving for joy.

4. Call Upon Spiritual Practices as Needed

Meditation, mindfulness, prayer, and other practices that elevate and calm our spirit are effective means to stir up some inspiration. Personally, I’ve found journaling to be helpful if my ideas seem stuck. Manifestation is another resource for people who have specific goals and seek to create a life for themselves to meet them. To combat low energy, you can rely on spiritual solace to generate inspiration during tough times.

But if your manifesting isn’t doing the trick, I’m sure it’s detracting from your vitality even more rather than replenishing it. Don’t let this discourage you—there’s likely a reason behind the block that, once settled, will allow you to welcome the proper abundance into your life.

5. Dedicate Quality Time to Yourself

Don’t underestimate the importance of self-care to recharge! I’m talking genuinely beneficial time spent healing yourself. There are both earthly and spiritual methods to do so, such as reading a book, taking a nap, or indulging in spiritual practices to rejuvenate after a particularly rough day. Clear out the clutter and remind yourself who you are through deliberate alone time.

Also, the value of silence is underrated; when life gets to be too loud, you’ll want to carve out time to look and listen inward rather than letting external stimuli overpower you. Sit with the silence and watch what happens.

6. Collaborate with Mentors and Peers

Your soul could be reaching out for guidance, which is where soul readers and other intuitives can offer advice and reassurance. Over the years, I’ve drawn incredible comfort—and inspiration—from similar intuitives, whose community and encouragement serve as grounding forces when I’m missing that creative spark.

Your spirit guides will light the way too, as long as you’re receptive to their messaging. Maintain conscious space for that relationship in order to receive those signs. And if you feel like you’re in a rut or you’re just too tired and not at your best, I’m here to help!

The Key to Inspiration: Intuition

Our minds tire, but our hearts are endlessly searching for the inspiration that makes life worthwhile. Fortunately, there are options to realign yourself onto the path you’re meant to walk. You might simply need a little push or further support in your quest to discover how to be inspired with everything going on in this big, busy world. As challenging as it is, don’t let the lethargy derail you from your soul’s true purpose!

For now, focus on reimagining your home, getting outside more, cherishing the gift of motion, fostering your spirituality, finding moments to be alone, and connecting with people who equip you to live authentically and restore your inspiration. 

If you’d like to connect with me, my door and my heart are always open. Your intuition led you here today—honor it by reenergizing your efforts to grow into your higher self. I believe in you!


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