What to Do When You Have an Identity Crisis

Identity crisis. Those two words carry such weight, but they also carry an opportunity for transformation.

It’s a portal, a beckoning towards spiritual awakening and self-discovery.

If you’re feeling lost or disconnected from your true self, don’t fear. The journey toward reconnection may feel daunting right now, but it’s a journey worth taking.

I promise you can discover your soul’s true purpose and step into your dream life, and I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Are you ready?

Let’s get you back on your soul’s true path.

Acknowledge the Feelings of Misalignment 

Firstly, let’s address the emotional and spiritual experience of an identity crisis, that gnawing feeling of being lost and not being in sync with your life. Acknowledge it, sweet soul, because denying these feelings will only make them persist. These feelings are not signs of weakness or failure but a call for alignment and authenticity. It’s your soul nudging you gently, reminding you that there is a misalignment between your inner truth and your outer world.

Society often convinces us that we need to wear different masks to fit in, but this can create a disconnect from our true selves. It’s ok to feel this disconnection. It’s more than ok—it’s a sign. A sign that you’re ready to shed the old and embrace the real, authentic you.

Learn to Trust Your Intuition 

The second step in this soul-searching journey is trusting your intuition. Your intuition is your soul’s voice, a divine guide given to you by the universe. Sometimes it’s a soft whisper, drowned out by the noise of our busy lives and external influences. But it’s always there, waiting patiently for you to tune in and listen.

Start small. Notice those gut feelings, the subtle nudges, the moments of intuitive knowing. Practice leaning into these moments, trusting your heart, and see where it leads you.

You might be surprised at the wisdom you hold within.

Explore Your Soul’s True Purpose 

Now, it’s time to delve deeper. You’ve acknowledged your feelings of misalignment. You’re starting to trust your intuition. The next step is to explore your soul’s true purpose.

Contrary to popular belief, our purpose is not a single thing, like a specific career. Instead, it’s multifaceted, like a spinning sphere, offering new insights each time we look. Let’s delve into the various elements that comprise our soul’s purpose, so you can move through your identity crisis and seek alignment with your soul’s true path.

Spiritual Purpose 

Your soul chose this life for a reason. Its aim is spiritual growth, seeking to learn, clear karmic relationships, and healing wounds. So when life presents recurring situations triggering responses tied to your limiting beliefs, take note. Your intuition is nudging you to learn the lesson and progress spiritually.

Collective Purpose 

This speaks to our contribution to the world. It’s not necessarily career-oriented, nor is it relevant for every soul. It could be something specific you’re meant to do in this life, like a star being bringing gifts from other planets to seed the new Earth or an old soul serving as a keeper of the planet.

Current Purpose 

Consider your spiritual and collective purpose as grand goals. The current purpose is the task at hand to achieve them. It’s often evident, like learning a lesson, working on balancing your chakras, or meeting your soulmate.

Required Purpose 

This relates to your human responsibilities. For example, as a mother, wife, sister, and daughter, there are tasks I must attend to. These relationships, your soul’s choices, demand your focus. For instance, as a parent, you might need to heal generational wounds to prevent their transmission to your children.

Personal Purpose 

Personal purpose is about how you choose to live, responding to your heart, and embracing new opportunities. Despite the blueprint your soul created for this lifetime, our human hearts have a say, adjusting the path as needed. It’s the wild card in the mix, showing that not everything is preordained—we can influence our purpose creatively.

Ask for Guidance 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and confused about what this identity crisis is trying to teach you—don’t worry. It’s completely natural. But I want you to remember that you are not alone on this journey. Your spiritual guides are always ready to offer wisdom and guidance—you just have to ask and pay close attention to their divine messages.

Communicating with your spiritual guides might feel unfamiliar at first, and that’s ok. Find a quiet space, clear your mind, and open your heart. Ask your questions aloud, write them in a journal, or sit in meditation with the intention to connect. Listen for their guidance. It may come as a thought, a feeling, or a sign in your external world. 

Trust in their support and love.

Awaken to Your Soul’s True Purpose 

Navigating through an identity crisis and awakening to your soul’s true purpose can seem daunting, especially when other voices have long drowned out your own.

But trust that there’s a path—one uniquely designed for your soul.

To start you on this journey, I’ve created a FREE meditation on how to find your purpose that you can access here. And if your soul is yearning for you to dig deeper, I would love you to join my on-demand course Soul Led Purpose. You’ll learn how to connect with your soul, remember your true purpose, and gain a tangible blueprint you can refer to as you live in alignment with your soul’s contract.

The gentle whispers of your soul are calling you—this is your moment to step forward on this journey, and I’d be privileged to walk alongside you.


How to Do a Soul Reading for Yourself or Others


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