What Is Your Intuitive Gift?

Everyone is born with the gift of intuition, but sometimes life has a way of disconnecting us from this sacred form of communication. As a result, we lose track of what our soul is trying to tell us and feel confused about our purpose, identity, and authentic path.

Those feelings of misalignment can be the start of your spiritual awakening and the journey of coming home to yourself. But as you begin to awaken and listen to your intuition, it is not uncommon to doubt the messages you are receiving.

As my intuitive gifts became stronger, I frequently found myself saying…

This is CRAZY!

However, through my experience, I am here to say—you are not crazy.

Every soul will have a unique style of communication. So the way you receive guidance from your intuition may differ significantly from someone else, and you need to learn to trust that inner voice.

I want you to learn to activate your intuitive gift, know it better, and be able to use it on demand.

Let’s explore some of the ways your intuition may be communicating with you so that you can identify and develop your gifts.


Clairvoyance is the ability to see things that are not physically present. This could include visions, images, symbols, or even messages from your spirit guides. Souls with strong clairvoyant abilities see things through their mind’s eye, otherwise known as the third eye, and may experience communication through this sense about the past, present, or future.

When conducting a Soul Reading, I often see specific colors or symbols that provide me with important information and guidance.


Have you ever experienced a particular song on repeat in your mind? Or perhaps you can hear sounds and music that others can’t?

Clairaudience is the intuitive gift of being able to hear beyond the normal earthly range and receive information from spirits. When you first experience this, it can be very confusing and undoubtedly make you question your sanity!

I once worked with a woman experiencing ringing in her ears in certain parts of the house she had just purchased. We discovered that a spirit trapped in the home was desperately trying to communicate and seek her help.

This is an excellent example of clairaudience, and if you’d like to hear more of this lady’s experience, check out this clip.


Many people refer to intuition as a gut feeling, and clairsentience closely relates to this experience. This clair sense can be described as the ability to tune into a person’s or spirit’s emotions and physical pain.

We all receive and radiate energy, but people with strong clairsentience are highly sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others to the point where they may physically experience another person’s pain in their own body.

Souls with this intuitive gift are often natural-born healers and caregivers. But they also need to pay close attention to protecting their energy with appropriate boundaries.


Clairalience is the ability to smell odors that don’t have a physical source. Our sense of smell can be a powerful connection to memories, and spirits often use this to communicate their presence.

For example, people with this intuitive gift may smell the perfume of a deceased loved one sent as a sign and form of communication that they are close by.


Just like the sense of smell, specific tastes can create strong associations with particular people or memories. Clairgustance involves tasting something that isn’t actually there.

Have you ever seen a Medium doing a reading where they’ve said something like, “I’m tasting cigarettes”?

The spirit is using the Medium’s sense of taste to communicate their presence in a way that will be easily identifiable.

Some people with the gift of clairgustance also report experiences such as tasting their best friend’s favorite food right before they receive a phone call or visit from them.


Claircognizance is where you have a deep knowledge of people or events without any logical explanation as to why. An example of this that you may have heard of is when a person books a plane ticket and then refuses to get on the flight because they just know that something is wrong. They may be unable to explain it exactly, but they know they can’t get on that flight. And then their knowledge or feeling is proven to be accurate as a problem with the flight occurs.

Claircognizance may be experienced like a premonition or possibly a thought that pops into your mind out of nowhere. Trusting this experience can be challenging and requires enormous faith, as there is often no reasonable explanation for why you suddenly know something.

Develop Your Intuitive Gift With The Soul Reading Method 

So, what’s your intuitive gift?

I guarantee you have more than one. You might not be completely aware of all the messages you are receiving yet. But the answers are within you, and your connection is raw and beautiful. If you are really stuck, take my free quiz here which will tell you what I think your primary one is based on your answers.

Don’t resist the gifts of your intuition—keep playing with them and stay curious.

And if you are interested in training and developing your intuitive gifts, I would love to invite you to join me in the next round of the Soul Reading Method Program. This live course will teach you to harness your intuitive gifts and allow you to obtain an Intuitive Certification so you can help others get back to their soul’s true purpose.

You are being called—it’s time, and I would be honored to guide you on this sacred path.


Life Alignment: What is Your Soul's True Purpose?


How to Further Your Intuition Development