What is a Spiritual Awakening?

Many people are confused about the process of awakening, expecting to have a single defining moment of connection that irreversibly changes how they view the world. And while these divine windows of enlightenment do certainly occur, the process of awakening is a much deeper journey.

So, what is a spiritual awakening? And how do we know if we are on the right path?

A spiritual awakening is a sacred passage of growth, transformation, and self-discovery that opens our eyes to the vastness of our existence and the infinite potential we hold. Through the process of awakening, we come to realize that we are not just physical beings but also spiritual beings with the power to create, heal, and connect with a greater source of love and light.

An awakening is not just about arriving at a destination. Instead, it is the ongoing process of remembering the truth of who we are and living in alignment with our soul's purpose.

Chances are, if you have been drawn to my work, you are already in the midst of awakening, so let's explore some of the changes you may experience as you continue your spiritual journey.

Awareness of mind, body, and soul 

As we grow, our experiences shape our personalities, thoughts, and beliefs. Through these experiences, we can become disconnected from our hearts and live primarily in our minds. I like to explain the heart as the connection to the soul or higher self. So, when we live in our minds, listening to the perspectives and beliefs of others, and don't consult with our hearts, it can lead to feelings of misalignment.

One of the first moments of awakening can be this feeling of misalignment. A sense that what we have been taught conflicts with our heart's desires. This recognition of misalignment can lead to the realization that we are more than just our thoughts and offer a deeper understanding of the mind, body, and soul connection.

At the essence of it all, you are a soul that has lived many lifetimes, and your soul is now seeded in your body. The body acts as a connection to your senses and serves as a vessel to physically get things done. Lastly, your mind allows you to interact with life, plan, and create in this human form.

Developing an awareness of this mind, body, and soul triangle is a crucial step in spiritual awakening.

Listening to your heart 

Once you become aware of the distinction between heart and mind and understand that your heart connects you to your higher self, you learn the immense value of consulting and listening to your heart daily. By the time we start our spiritual awakening, we have often spent a lot of time in our heads, and now we need to ground that energy into our hearts so that we can live in alignment with our soul's purpose.

Make a daily habit of tapping into your heart, listening to its desires, and letting it guide you on your spiritual path.

Trusting your intuition 

We are all equipped with an intuition that is attuned to our soul's purpose. However, when we live in our minds, we may question our intuition and ignore the gut feelings and deep sacred knowledge of our soul. As you awaken and start to live a heart-led life, your ability to trust your intuition will improve.

You may encounter attacks on your intuition from time to time, but by grounding your energy into your heart and listening to guidance, you will keep your heart open and your intuition attuned.

Noticing synchronicity and signs 

When you start to explore what is a spiritual awakening, one of the most common experiences people describe is noticing signs from their spirit guides. As you learn to listen to your heart, the communication with your spirit guide will become more apparent.

The signs you experience will be unique to your soul. Still, typical examples include seeing patterns of numbers such as 1111, repeatedly hearing a song that has a significant meaning, or noticing synchronicities leading you toward a decision or path.

If you haven't connected with your spirit guide yet, I've created a meditation specifically for meeting your unique guide, and you can download it here for FREE.

Observing your patterns 

An essential component of awakening is a journey of inner healing. Life will continue to present you with lessons your soul needs to learn. However, as you gain a deeper understanding of your limiting beliefs and wounds, you can identify patterns of behavior that may interfere with your growth and do the spiritual work required to heal and live in alignment with your soul.

Seeking alignment with your soul's purpose 

If you are looking for answers on what is a spiritual awakening, then you are already on the sacred path of discovering your infinite potential and living a heart-led life. Part of the journey of awakening is uncovering your soul's purpose, remembering what you came here to achieve, and living in alignment with that path.

With that said, remembering your soul's purpose can be challenging when you have spent a lifetime listening to the voices and beliefs of others. That's why I created Soul Led Purpose, a course that has helped thousands of my clients connect to their souls and remember their purpose. 

I'd love to invite you to join me on this on-demand course, where you will gain a true understanding of your unique soul's purpose and a tangible blueprint to refer back to whenever you feel lost or lose sight of your path.

If you are ready to take your spiritual awakening to the next level, I would love to be your guide.


How to Further Your Intuition Development


How to Connect With Your Spirit Guide