Something Is Calling You

How to play this game:

Tune into your heart and ask yourself a question. Decide if your question will be answered by message number one or message number two.

Let me know in the comments what came up for you!

Note: this is a recording from Nikki's Monday Message originally posted on Instagram.

Message one:

The first message I was getting was that something is calling you.

It felt very much like I've definitely lived my life like this during many times. It feels like the Universe is trying to speak to you. Or your guides, or maybe even your ancestors are trying to speak to you, they're trying to bring you in.

It felt like the answer you were trying to get was not going to be instant, that it was just going to pop into your head. It felt almost like the message that was coming through for you was a deeper story.

It’ll be a message that is probably different than you were expecting to get. So that's why it's not going to come so instant.

It’s almost like the scavenger hunt of signs. It looks like you're getting signs. And it doesn't mean that like, Oh, I see a butterfly. Like that's the answer. It just feels like okay, I see a butterfly, what does that mean? That's okay, that's something important for me. And then the next day, somebody tells me about this book, and I get that book and it just felt like you're being like, brought down a path. And there's a lot of trust on this path.

When I was meditating on this, I was like, I want to give them some steps of how to do that. Because that's how I've lived my whole life. And it's really this process of realizing that everything around you is communicating with you so often. We feel alone and these things that we want are only in our head and then like the outside world is a totally different worlds.

But imagine that everything has a meaning. What if everything around you was supporting you. Almost like in a movie when the flowers pop up and they talk to you, and butterflies are signs and this person says something to you. And you're like, oh my gosh, that's for me.

It felt like that. Like you must have to turn that on and realize that everything around you is trying to support you and trying to help you in this. And it's trying to speak to you and lead you.

Pay attention to the signs, let the signs take you down the road. Don't feel like you need to know all of it.

And if anything, set the intention that you're ready to hear what the Universe has to say to you. That you're ready to hear what your surroundings have to say to you. Tap into hearing nature as if nature was going to speak to you a lot.

Keep following the steps. Keep listening and understanding that you are not alone. It feels like once you start to be like, oh, I am getting messages, it looks like bigger messages come. But you first have to like acknowledge the smaller ones.

Step by step.

You're gonna get answers from deep meditation. So this is what you're asking about feels like.

It’s heart based and very Destiny based, it actually feels very important to your purpose. There's something about your path really trying to get your attention and bring you down the right path. And it's not really a yes or no answer. There has to be like some reverence to this question. A deeper meditation, longer periods of time of like, letting yourself receive it.

Message two:

Number two was that whatever you're asking about, it's just at the beginning of blossoming.

It felt like there was an inexperience that's making you get impatient. The best example I can give you is this. It’s our first full summer living here in North Carolina. We visited a bunch in the summer, but I've never gone through the summer season here. I've been hiking. And of course, something new grows all the time. And I've been finding these wild blackberries. And after a while, I realized that they were blackberries and not raspberries, because at first they look like really red and beautiful. I'm like oh my gosh, wild raspberries. But that's only my inexperience. I thought the raspberry was done. That it was fully bloomed. That it was fully available and ready. But then after a day or two, they turned to black. They're black berries. If I would have harvest all the raspberries, I would have been like, oh, this tastes a little weird. And it was my inexperience of summertime and the wild blackberries and the process of them that made me think that they were raspberries and not blackberries.

So there's something about what you're asking about that may look like it's ready or that you're feeling like it's the time or it should be right now. Or why hasn't it happened. But because you've never done this before or because you've never seen this before that you're just a little off on the timing.

Similar to the blackberry story, that if you're just a little bit more patient, if you give it a little bit more time, then you're really gonna get that yummy black berry rather than the sour, quote unquote, raspberry that I thought I was getting.

You don't know what you don't know.

You can definitely hire somebody who does. Or talk to somebody who's experienced. That would help too.

For instance, maybe you're stressed out about something with your child and it's your first child. Or it's the first time that you have a child in the teenage years. You've never had a teenager before. It could be helpful now to seek out somebody who's had three teenagers. It would be best to seek experience to help you understand that this thing has not bloomed yet.

It's kind of like looking at a teenager and be like, Oh my gosh, like I have ruined them. I'm the worst parent or whatever. But the truth is a teenager is kind of like that blackberry. It's not really a blackberry yet. It's not fully bloomed.

There's something about a concern about this thing presently. But the concern is only coming because you've never experienced the full cycle of it yet. So hopefully this message helps you but if not also talking to somebody who has had that full experience will be very helpful. Somebody who can guide you through the seasons.

A lot of us think we're like unique little snowflakes and that this is only happening to us, but it seems like whatever you're dealing with is actually something that is cyclical or it's a season. Or it's like I have a challenge that most people in this situation have.

I remember I was having this problem with my business. I was anxious and micromanaging. And I talked to my cousin who oversees a lot of large companies and I told him this problem I was having. And he's like, “Nikki, that's the thing”. It's not this unique problem that you're having. Every leader has this problem. And he taught me this technique to deal with it and to really change things. And I was like, oh my gosh! Because I did not have that experience and it was the first time that I was in this position, overseeing these people, I thought that it was a unique problem to me or to my company, when really, there're books written on this problem that I have.

What you're maybe scared about or concerned about, there is a solution that is a proven solution. This is what I'm getting for this one. And then, the flip of that, too, is to let yourself get experience with it. So being a leader, let's say it's like, “alright, I just gotta get the experience”. “All right, just got to see what happens with my teenager. I'll do the best that I can. And I'll probably be really good at the second teenager.” There's a little bit of a need to gather that experience.


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