Focus On Small Wins

How to play this game:

Tune into your heart and ask yourself a question. Decide if your question will be answered by message number one or message number two.

Let me know in the comments what came up for you!

Note: this is a recording from Nikki's Monday Message originally posted on Instagram.

Message one:

My first message felt like just to focus on small wins.

It looks like you are in a stage of climbing or reaching somewhere, getting somewhere. And maybe there was a lot of movement, but almost like messy movement. Instead of going down a straight path, you were probably like zigzagging a little bit. And now it looks like you're about to go down a pretty straight path, which is nice.

But it's going to be almost less exciting in a way because it is a series of small steps, consistent steps that gets you there. So there is a need to discipline your schedule a little bit. Which is so interesting, because I know a lot of us we want to flow and we want to do as we feel every day. And I think that's always a good strategy. I think we're always looking for balance between the feminine and the masculine.

And I really believe that it's about seasons. There's something about this season that you're in, if you're getting number one, that there's a need to discipline a little bit the way you’re doing things. I know that I don't like that word either. But it felt like just stick to the plan, this is the step, do a little bit every day. Don't stress out about going super crazy pushing. I'm going to do some today. And I'll do some more four days from now. It needs a little bit of consistency of these steps that you know, that you need to take. It felt so minimal, it almost felt like two solid hours. Or some steps each day that bring you to this place that you're going. Almost felt like rowing.

You don't go fast and go slow, you're just kind of in a consistent row. That's what it felt like. Stick to the plan.

Some of you might be like, that was for me. It just felt like you may be doubting a plan that you had before. And you're wondering, should I maybe do it this way or something.

There was also an amount of focus, but it felt very soft. It did not feel like hustle or push or anything. Again, small steps. Small things add up is what I was getting. small steps add up, small savings add up, small change in behavior adds up. It kind of reminds me of, you know that thing that when a guy is trying to lose weight, they'll just like stop drinking Coke or soda. And all of a sudden they lose like 20 pounds, it's like one little thing. There's one change in behavior that changes a lot. And that's what this felt like.

There may be a lot of things that we want to change and a lot of things that we want to work on. But it felt like to just celebrate the small changes and behavior. And sometimes you change one piece of behavior and it changes a lot of other things in our lives. It felt like focusing on one thing. Starting small, doing a little bit every day.

There's also a money thing here too about that. It just felt like this maybe is not a time to put goals for like huge chunks of money but I saw it was more of a good time to set the intention for consistency. Consistency of money and focusing more of your attention on consistency. Rather than maybe a big money chunk goal.

Overall, this was also a message about the highest path right now is the path of balance.

You know how we get to this place, should I be masculine should be feminine. Right now the season is about a balance of the two.

Message two:

Message two was about exchange.

It felt to me like there needs to be like an audit of the exchange of energy. Whatever you're exchanging, it felt like you have to renegotiate the given exchange.

Something has changed for you. The way you're giving and receiving right now no longer works. It looks like things have changed, maybe in the relationship. Let's say like, you're a business owner. And you used to always charge $100 for your service. And now you're realizing that the exchange doesn't feel good. It may not even be about charging more, but it could be about no longer offering this.

It felt to me that it's not about adding more necessarily, to getting more from the exchange, but to actually take away from some of what you're doing.

One thing I was getting here too, which is interesting was, it felt like whoever was asking this question is trying to tap into their own intuition. Trying to get to live more connected to their soul and more connected to their own intuition.

But there isn't enough. It’s not a good exchange. In order to be able to be a vessel and to to receive so much, there has to be a good balance of what you're receiving.

For example, if I'm super busy, if I'm super stressed, if I'm eating poorly, I can't receive, I can't download messages.

So taking care of myself watching how much time I give to myself and all that stuff, is what allows me to be able to receive those messages.

It felt to me like that was something very specific, but it felt like if you're trying to live more intuitively or more soul led to really ask yourself, how much are you giving to yourself? How much are you nurturing yourself. It’s kind of like an athlete, right? If I've been trying to reach some goals, or run, whatever athletes do, I'm probably eating a certain way, and I'm probably resting a certain way. And that's what makes me a good athlete.

It felt like whatever you're asking of yourself, perhaps you may not be giving yourself enough of what it means to be able to perform.

If this doesn't make sense to you at all, there's an opportunity to understand your worth a little bit more. To take an audit of how much you give. It could even be as simple as writing down all of the things that you do every day, and what you're giving.

We're always in relationship with people. So maybe everything you're giving, you're not receiving. You’re nowhere near enough based off what you're getting.

And it's not that you may have to ask for more from others but you also may find that maybe you're like an overachiever and over giver and nobody's really asking for that much. Maybe you can give your 50% to whatever you're meant to be giving to. And maybe that's more than enough for people. So it's also a little bit of toning it down that you may be overextending yourself for no reason. It's not necessary.

I almost feel like you're spinning your wheels by giving this much and it feels like you could tone it down. It leaves room for the surprises to happen. But it also looks like you go into more quality rather than quantity. And you're able to grow something in a bigger way than if you were spreading yourself too thin.

I almost feel like you can't even see what could happen. Because if you don't function that way, you won't even be able to see what would happen. If you would tone up you would be so surprised about how much you receive. When you tone down how much you give. I know it sounds silly because usually we're like, oh, the more you give, the more you receive. But not if the containers in which we're giving to can't carry that much.

When you're in a relationship and you want to give them everything you've got. But that container, that person, that relationship, that environment may not have the capacity to carry as much as you're able to give.

Or if you're a practitioner. And you find yourself giving so much to these one on one sessions. And realizing that your one on one client, can't handle it. They're actually overwhelmed by you. It's usually a sign to go into group offerings so that a group can take the sprinkles of you rather than one person being the person that takes it all and can't receive it all.


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