Let It Go

How to play this game:

Tune into your heart and ask yourself a question. Decide if your question will be answered by message number one or message number two.

Let me know in the comments what came up for you!

Note: this is a recording from Nikki's Monday Message originally posted on Instagram.

Message One:

A little tough love.

This week there's a little bit of feeling bad for ourselves, or like feeling a little disempowered.

And that's really not the point. It's not the season for that. It's not the time for that. So there's some messages to support us in that.

The first message is about letting go. It makes me feel like whatever you're asking about, you're too tangled up in it, you're too like close to it. And you're not the best person to be able to even see it clearly. So there needs to be some space.

Your power is within you.

I was getting the understanding that instead of trying to manipulate something outside of us that maybe it's not working out, to instead go in and really start to affirm the power that's within us.

It's a really good time for being like: “You're beautiful.” or “You're so powerful.”, “You always make things work out.”

Let's say you're attached to money. How's this money going to come in, right? Instead of being like, “Okay, fuck it, I don't know. I have no idea like how money's gonna come.” I am going to be like, “No, I'm so powerful, I always find a way. I'm very magical.I have a lot of great gifts inside of me. I can make something out of that. I'm really good at researching and always finding a way.”

I'm encouraging my own power. I'm speaking into my own power. I'm investing into myself rather than a thing that's outside of me.

There needs to be a letting go and kind of switch in empowerment. Letting go of that thing that is outside of you. And instead investing in yourself, whether that may be. Getting new education, reading a new book, or even just these mantras.

It felt very much like being my own coach. Empowering myself. I was getting the word: release.

It almost makes me feel like you're afraid to release this thing because you're afraid that if I'm telling you to release it, then it's not going to work for you. That the answer is that it's not going to work from this point of view anyways. You have nothing to lose and the releasing is almost like when you're working on something and you're trying to push through it, even though you're tired. But if you've been working on something for eight hours, your next hour is just getting worse and worse. And it's not even worth your time anymore. You're gonna revisit it, but right here you're too caught up and too exhausted to actually see it clearly. There needs to be a break.

It's not so much that it’s not going to happen for you. It’s that you need like a break and some space.

This is a good time to do something that has nothing to do with a thing that you're trying to figure out or trying to control.

This is a great time to go do a puzzle. This is a great time to go away for the weekend. This is a great time to close your computer and not work on that thing anymore. If you're dating to be like, I'm not going to do the apps until I feel refreshed again.

There's a need to clear space so that inspiration can come in. But it makes me feel like you can't force the inspiration. That it's really just the matter of doing something that occupies your mind. It keeps you away from this thing that you're holding tight to.

Message two:

I was seeing a lot of blue and I could feel my throat. It's very much about the throat chakra. It's about voice and expression.

I feel you guys are trying to make things happen, basically.

And there's this confusion about “Do I just sit back and let it happen? Or do I manifest and visualize? Or am I supposed to take action?”

There seems to be a real desire to not work hard for the thing and to not do the heavy lifting, because it looks like you guys are maybe coming off something a very masculine way of being and forcing things to happen. And that got you in trouble. So you're trying to move away from that. And then at the same time feeling like “What am I supposed to do?”

And also a little bit of that victim, like, “Oh, I wish it would just happen for me. I wish it would just show up for me.” I wish I didn’t have to force my way through this thing.

It looks like these are trying to find balance. And the answer is actually in the throat and in expression.

Every time I say throat people think like they need to speak their way through something like they have to like set strong boundaries and say this is what I need. But really the throat is beyond speaking. It's about expression.

And expression can be like an artist expressing herself through the jewelry. It’s a little bit of showing up a certain way. Showing up as a full expression of whatever you want to be.

It’s an embodiment, like, oh, this is the full expression of who I like, who I imagine having that thing that I want.

Let's say your future self has that thing that you want: money relationship, home, career. How can I like be an expression of that knowing or to be an expression of that manifestation but only within myself. Because I have no control over getting the job. But I can be an expression of the person that has the job, if that makes any sense.

It's also about speaking. You may be thinking about this a lot in your head and maybe because you're doing some manifesting practices, like visualizing and believing and all that kind of stuff. But it does look like there needs to be sharing and speaking.

I'm looking for somebody to help me in my house. And of course, I'm like, okay, I can visualize the person. I see the person. But at this point, I also have to speak out to certain people and let them know I'm looking to hire somebody to help me with some stuff.

So there has to be expressing what you want.

Also sharing what you want and putting it out there. It doesn't mean that the person you express it to is gonna necessarily solve the problem. But speaking about it and putting it out there into the world will be helpful.

You don't need to wait to have somebody give you the opportunity to express. It looks like you can start doing that right now. It seems like you can start living that thing, living that expression already. It may be a different form than the ultimate expression that you're looking for. Because it looks like you're almost looking for an opportunity, like somebody to give you an opportunity. Which is great and keep working towards it. But before that happens you can start being an expression of that right now. Seems very promising to me. Almost being in that energy of that expression that ultimately leads you to the opportunity that you're looking for.


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