Feel What’s In Your Heart

How to play this game:

Tune into your heart and ask yourself a question. Decide if your question will be answered by message number one, message number two, or message number three.

Let me know in the comments what came up for you!

Note: this is a recording from Nikki's Monday Message originally posted on Instagram.

Message from Nikki:

This week is a really important week. Last week, we were coming off of that crazy Supermoon feeling. My sense and my message for you guys this week, is really to bet on yourself.

Because what I was getting this week was to really go all in on yourself and not just think about betting on yourself. But really taking the action that is in alignment with somebody who is betting on themselves. It feels like there is some clarity of steps right now for which we haven't seen in a long time. We've been in a little bit of a blur, we didn't have too many steps showing themselves. And we have some stuff starting to show themselves now. So take action and go really hard on them is kind of what I'm getting. And go really in on them. Because it looks like there's some sort of opening, almost like a manifestation opening, like a window or something that's happening for you right now. And it'll close soon. So this week, clear your calendar to do the things that you know you're meant to do, that you're supposed to do. Do what you know needs to get done. Even if you had a three hour cocktail evening with your friends, maybe consider taking those three hours to start the podcast that you want to start or something instead. It is a little bit of a week of taking the action and knowing that just because you know the steps doesn't mean that it's going to sit there waiting for you forever. It felt very much like there was a timing to do this. So that's my little message for everybody this week.

Message number one (Maria):

I was nodding because I got the same energy for the week. You were saying at the beginning that we are like the Oracle. I felt like today, the message that’s coming through is that this is a reminder to reflect on how far you’ve come. You're entering this new chapter of your life. And you're moving away from this transition period. I feel like we have been in this stagnant, confused feeling. And it's very important that you realize that you're moving away from that. There's all this like amazing energy coming in now. And so it's important that you use that energy and the momentum. I feel like it has to do with entering the Leo season. And I feel like it has to do a lot with, especially people that are in the Leos they're gonna feel it even more and they have to use that momentum. And those who are not Leos maybe have a sign in Leo to use. Use the energy of Leo and also hang out with Leos. Tap into those friends. And it is very important also that we have clear communications this week, in all of our relationships. So if you're finding the need to express your needs, verbally, express your needs. Be clear about what you want from life. Be very clear about what you're saying. And this could be even like scheduling time with those people that you need to have those conversations with, you know that you need to clarify things with. You need to speak your truth.

Even if you have to use this masculine energies to get the things done. Like even if it's somebody that you wouldn't schedule it with, like you're your partner. You may be like: “On Monday at 3pm we're going to meet up and we're going to talk about something that I need to share with you. And I want you to listen to me, and I don't want you to interrupt me. I just need to share something that's really hard for me to share and I needed you to listen.” So it's more about the other person listening, not solving the problem. You should start telling your truth and sharing your truth. And because the more truthful you're going to be with yourself, with people around you, the easier it's going to be for the truth come through you. And then things are gonna come easily to you. So there's a lot of that action, in all the things that you've been avoiding to do that need to be set using the throat chakra.

Message number two (Kristina):

There's this strong desire, and what you're asking about, you want it so badly. But what's required of you is actually the discipline and consistency and dedication and internal mastery of that emotion. The visual that came through was like, you have these two beautiful flowers in your garden. But you keep peeking over to your neighbor's yard. And you're like, they have this beautiful flowing lash, look at everything that they've got going on, oh my gosh, I want that, I want that, I want that. And you're setting the vibration of what you want. And you actually don't realize what you have and what you can cultivate and nurture in your flowers in your garden.

Two things were coming really strongly as a theme: business and relationships.

What you're desiring is already very much so a part of your day to day life. You already have this thing you need to be pouring into this thing that you have now in any way that it manifests into your current life now. When did I start this really aligned with the Capricorn Full Moon. That Super Moon, I'm telling you guys, it's all about that internal mastery of like, if I'm looking over my fence, or if I'm scrolling on social media, and I'm like, I want what they have. That's okay, that's fine. That's all desire, but you don't want that desire.

And those lower vibrations of maybe jealousy or anger, resentment of why can’t I have that. That stops you from cultivating what you do have in order to expand and amplify it to what you do desire.

The other thing that was true, as a reframe for this is just getting really clear on your motivation for why you want the thing.

Do you want the thing because it looks cool? Or do you think it's what you're supposed to do? Or do you want the thing because it comes from a beautiful place of service and actually aligns with your purpose?

That'd be cool to have this thing, but I want to approach it from a place of service. I know that I'm aligned to have this thing because it aligns beautifully with what I'm here on Earth for. A completely different vibration of I want that thing I wanted. Those lower five feelings there, they’re actually preventing, delaying or impeding what the process and the path that you're already on. This thing that you want, you're on top, it's just a Capricorn thing.

A little bit of tough love, you have to roll up your sleeves and do the work. You have to really get in the weeds and be fertilizing, taking care of and from a place of love, I'm excited to do this.

So if this is a business question, let’s say you want to expand your business, and you’re like, oh my God, I want 20 more clients. Let me take really, really really good care of the two clients that I have now and pour into them, and use it as an opportunity to learn and grow through them and try things out. And they're going to have a great experience. And it's like, oh my gosh, my coach poured so much into me. And I'm going to share this with five other people. And that's how you're going to expand the thing that you are desiring.

So that was really strong as far as getting dedicated and really firm structure and container for clear on why you want the thing that you want. And then going at about it. And it's a little bit more of a heart of service. And getting out of that, like I'm looking over my fence and like what other people have.

Message number three (Laurie):

I was immediately drawn to the heart chakra. I could feel mine so much right now. So I'm like, Oh my gosh, you guys need to hear this. I definitely felt drawn to your heart. There's definitely a suffering, a heaviness, a sluggishness and kind pain that you're feeling. And it does actually seem like you're, oh, it's not a big deal. I shouldn't be upset about this, because it doesn't seem like it's something that big. It's almost like, oh, I spilled coffee on my shirt the other day. But it's like really upsetting you. Like, I can't find matching socks.

There's this thing that's like really bringing you suffering.

And you really just need some acceptance of it. And acknowledgement of it. You don't need to necessarily do anything. You don't need to talk about it, you don't need to set a boundary with somebody. You really need to feel it and embrace it and accept it. And just like that hurt and that pain of, that's something that seems silly to just feel it and embrace it and allow yourself to be upset about it.

Because the freedom and the bliss is on the other side of this. And I always like to give the practical tools. We’re like, well, cool, that's great. But what do I do? How do I do that?

So of course, journaling can be helpful for this. It seems like you're just complaining about it a lot to other people. You kind of like oh my gosh, I spilled coffee on my shirt. And they're like, oh, when did they when did that happen? And you're like, oh, like two days ago or a month ago. And they're just kind of like, I don't care. It's not a big deal. But it's a big deal to you.

And you're complaining about it because you're wanting that reaction and you're wanting that validation. And you're looking for that outside. The response and feeling and what you really need to do is to give that to yourself. You really need to just allow yourself to do that. And you need to put down your phone put down the distractions, go out, listen to nature. It doesn't need to be something huge or dramatic, but the suffering needs needs your attention.

Of course, the relationships and business came up for this too. And it seems like you're gonna be making big decisions, you're gonna want to bet on yourself, you're gonna need to be doing a lot of things this week, which is beautiful and amazing. But you just need to like clear up this little extra aspect. Because it's clogging things. It's slugging, it just feels like clogging and distracting and a little sluggish. And you really want to come from a clear heart.


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