Heart vs Mind

How to play this game:

Tune into your heart and ask yourself a question. Decide if your question will be answered by message number one, message number two, or message number three.

Let me know in the comments what came up for you!

Note: this is a recording from Nikki's Monday Message originally posted on Instagram.

Message one:

The first message is about healing, clearing energy. It feels like whatever you're asking about, you're pretty cloudy at the moment, because there is a negative energy around you about this.

You're a little cloudy or a little blurred in this place in your life. You absorbed some sort of negative energy, you have negative thoughts about it. And there's just a need for a little extra support to help you shift out of this through some cleansing.

You can cleanse your own energy by finding a meditation online or something. Or there's tons of people that do healings, and it just feels like it's a good time for that shout out to any of my Soul Teachers watching. If you guys do that kind of work in your practice, please feel free to put that in the comments, in case anybody needs a clearing.

It feels like it's a cleanse that needs to happen.

It'd be supportive to go ahead and get some help. But then in addition to that, this also feels like you're asking the wrong question that actually that question itself is contaminated.

So what you can do is to sit in meditation, really feel into your heart, and start to see if there's a better way to ask this question.

If there is a question that's more important.

So it just seems like there's just a little bit of ego involved in this question. And in this worry if we can shift into a higher vibration — so if I'm asking a very brief question, what's a little bit higher of a vibration? So if I'm asking, “Am I going to be able to pay my rent this month?” Very scary. And it's not that it's not true, but maybe there's another way. Maybe there's a vibration just above that. “How can I support in bringing in extra money this month so that I may pay my rent?” The highest vibration of that might be like, “Please show me what I'm missing. Please help.” Or even maybe, “Please help me find peace with the fact that I may not be able to pay my rent this month”.

There's almost a different way to ask the question that will actually clear out some of the fear.

I also got a hunting for the devil. I joke with that but there's just something going on in this place. You’re being lied to energetically. Either dealing with people that are untrustworthy, or there's a codependency or a need for this, which is not true.

Focus on light this week, really focus on, “How can I be in the light?”. A lot of praying for yourself.

It's funny because sometimes want to pray for other people but not praying for yourself. Pray that you may be clear and that your heart may be open. Praying for protection, for clearing of any negative energy that's not yours.

It is a good time for any sort of energetic rituals like cleansing rituals and really just giving yourself time to get to a place where you are clear, and then being able to ask the question again. And get the answers again. I see the healing in your future for this week. Seeking out support and not listening to the devil within us, right? Not listening to these negative voices within us that are not true.

Message two:

There seems to be a tug of war between your heart and your mind.

Which is natural and it's not that the mind is bad by any means, or that the heart is the best way of going about things in this scenario.It depends on what outcome you're going for. That's how you're going to decide whether you're gonna listen to like your logic, or if you can listen to your heart and where your heart is pulling into.

It feels like you are trying to work towards something exterior or your exterior focus, or you have like some sort of goal.

The logical path is not a bad way. It's going to get you to where you're trying to go. Where the heart — if you dedicated more to live true to your own path, you dedicated to more of a spiritual path and you're trying to surrender and be trusting, the heart is here.

This seems like there's a lot of unknown. It feels almost like a bit of an experiment. We don't know what's going to happen if you go down this path. But it has a unique little stamp of you, very uniquely you. And it's very true to you.

So maybe you're not ready for the heart path yet and the logical sounds right, right now because it's more guaranteed or whatever.

Don't judge any of the paths. Just know that there are different paths, and they're going to lead to different things. And who are we to say that one is better than the other. It just depends what you're dedicated to.

It almost feels like you have to go back to your values.

And to what your commitment is to how you want to live. And that's what's going to tell you which road to take.

It also feels like there's a place where these can meet together.

There's like a compromise where you go with the heart and then you ask the heart to show you the way. You can write down what you need to feel safe. And you're allowed to work on feeling safe, even though you go down the heart’s path.

So an example may be like, my heart path is telling me to hand off work in my company, I'm not supposed to micromanage anymore. And I need to hand off different things so that I can work on other stuff. But maybe I'm afraid that if I do that it's gonna cost me more money. Or maybe I'm afraid that if I do that, that something's gonna get lost in the shuffle or whatever. So I follow my heart to know where I'm going. But it's also okay for me to be like, okay, well, maybe people I hire can report to me once a week and let me know how things are going. Maybe I need a budget to know if I'm going to do this. I'm only allowing myself to spend this amount of money. It felt like your heart can still have boundaries, it can still have some structure that makes you feel safe to follow this path.


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