What Intuitive Motherhood Means

It’s no denying that the children being born these days are special and spiritually advanced. In the spiritual industry, we call them the New Earth Children. 

These are the souls that are seeding the New Earth and bringing our collective vision of harmony, abundance, and joy to the Earth. It’s only natural that these children are giving birth to a new kind of mother who is dedicated to intuitive motherhood. 

Here, we explain what intuitive motherhood means. 


A mother’s intuition is natural and is built-in as a tool of survival. But intuitive motherhood takes our evolutionary skills to the next level. 

I describe intuitive motherhood as the awareness and remembrance that our children are souls who come through us in physical form in order to have a human experience — and we must treat them as that.


Meaning, we no longer see our children as just humans, limited to what their current minds and body can perform. We are unattached to what we think  they should be in this lifetime, but rather we connect to them on a soul level in an effort to support their soul’s true path. 

We recognize and respect the ancient wisdom within their soul, even if it can’t always be expressed through their limited human body, due to their age.  We are constantly using our intuition to hear, feel, and see our children’s true soul peak out beyond their human form. 


All mothers are intuitive. It is our innate gift. But there are times when we are able to access it and other times that it feels really hard to connect with that natural mother intuition and see our children as souls. 

Not being able to access our intuition when we need it can be both frustrating and scary. And in the worst situations, we’ll feel unfit, as if something is wrong with us. We crave to have an intuitive motherhood experience but fear it might not be available to us. 


Although I am naturally intuitive, when I first became a mother, I felt like I had lost all of my inner knowing. For me, becoming a mother was such a shock to my nervous system, it was hard to find the presence and calm I needed in order to be able to access the guidance within me. 

I felt unsupported, isolated, and exhausted. There was no energy available to reach for my intuitive motherhood skills. Rather than shame ourselves, we must take gentle steps towards tapping back into our intuition. 

Do your best to nurture yourself

I know this is so challenging as mothers, especially when we’re tending to young children, but accessing our intuition does require energy. If our cup is full, how could we fill up others? 

Sometimes nurturing ourselves is asking a loved one to cook for us or help with domestic chores, so we can find a few quiet moments. Other times nurturing ourselves is working with a therapist who can help us care for our mental health. We need to ask the inner child within us what kind of nurturing she needs at the moment. 

As we invest in her, we create more energy within us that can ultimately be used to access our intuition. 

Find community

This might seem odd to you. After all, isn’t intuition all about relying on our own inner guidance? Yes but, a safe community of like-hearted souls will reflect our gift back to us and validate our knowings. 

I have been teaching intuition for many years, and the students who excel are always the ones who are working in community. Meaning, they are communing with others who are dedicated to intuitive motherhood and are sharing tips on how to connect to their child’s soul, the same way they would share recipes for the best PB & J!

Train your senses 

Seeing our children as souls is all about training our senses to hear, feel and/or see beyond the human stuff. Have you ever had that moment when your four-year-old says something like, “Last time I was on Earth I was a scientist,” and then goes on to watch his tablet. Wait, what did they just say, you think. 

Were they just referring to a past life? Yes, they were! Every once in a while, the soul peaks through and gives us a clue towards who they really are. For me, when these messages come through it’s almost like the volume is turned up. 

By paying attention to it and acknowledging the message, I have trained my psychic hearing sense to catch it. When I’m hitting a wall with my children, I often ask myself “What is his soul trying to say to me?” This simple question reminds me that from a human standpoint, my child’s limited body may not be able to explain to me what he needs, but if I put my telepathic skills to work (the one you use when communicating with your pets or with your newborn), I can hear beyond his physical language. 

These are just a few tips for intuitive motherhood, but if you would like to learn more on how you can really support your child’s soul in living their true purpose, I would love to mentor you in my intuition training program, The Soul Reading Method. Click here to learn more.  


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