What Does It Mean to be Claircognizant?

Sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste: we know that our five senses help us navigate the world. But did you know that you also possess other, less commonly understood senses that enable us to commune with the intangible through psychic energy and perception? This is known as claircognizance, and it’s a powerful way of connecting with the subtler aspects of our experience. 

If you haven’t yet learned about the “clair-” senses, these are the intuitive gifts whose insights allow us to interact with the universe in profound ways rather than just living at the limits of our typical senses. There are six “clair-” senses, and five of them actually function as companions to the physical ones we use all the time. 

There’s real talent in claircognizance, though, the sole “clair-” sense that’s in a category all its own. As a certified intuitive, I know how challenging it can be to recognize the signs and messages being brought to your threshold. A truly claircognizant person has a rich connection to the incorporeal, which they tap into via premonitions and prescience throughout their life.

How Claircognizance Stands Out

First, a quick cheat-sheet on the six “clair-” senses: clairvoyance (clear vision), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairalience (clear smell), and clairgustance (clear taste) comprise the five metaphysical senses that partner with our eyes, ears, skin, nose, and tongue, but the sixth, claircognizance, is perhaps the most complex. 

Especially claircognizant individuals were considered prophets or “seers” across various cultures in human history. Unlike its more tangible companions, claircognizance doesn’t involve our conventional senses. Instead, it’s a form of intuition that seems to pop into your head out of nowhere from an internal and illuminating awareness of your surroundings.

Claircognizant folks have an exceptional instinct for simply knowing something, although acquiring a solid grasp of this sense often takes a great deal of practice. Many are born with a natural knack for it while the rest of us have to work a little harder.

Are you particularly curious, wise, and analytical, and do you enjoy reading, problem-solving, and giving advice? You’ve probably encountered your own personal claircognizance before. Think back to a time when an overwhelming instinct washed over you…

Maybe you narrowly avoided a car accident by switching lanes because a random thought came to you and made you question your place on the road. Or you suddenly realized a deep truth about someone and caught a glimpse into their intentions, almost as if a guardian angel were tapping you on the shoulder to say “steer clear.”

This insight is different from the gut feeling associated with clairsentience, however, because claircognizance relies on the mind. In fact, it’s entirely mental, not sentimental, so it’ll come to you in a rush as opposed to a gentle whisper. There’s a surety from claircognizance that boldens the resolve of people who know to trust their inner voice. 

So, how do you organize a mental and spiritual space that fosters knowledge sharing and empowers you to grow past the boundaries of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste? My friend, you already know: practice!

Practicing Mental Clair-ity

As with any skill-building exercise, sharpening your claircognizance requires you to set intentional goals and actively pursue them with daily work. The slightest behavior modifications can create lasting habits that result in worthwhile changes, though it’s important to remember that strengthening intuition is a lifelong journey. Let’s explore tangible methods to attain soul-level cognizance.

Validate your intuitions: To borrow a phrase from a beloved children’s classic, “let your conscience be your guide.” You must believe in your capacity to experience psychic knowledge! Manifest a positive relationship between yourself and the claircognizance you wish to perceive. This is a matter of shutting down doubt and counting on your intuition—follow where it leads.

Meditate, manifest, journal: Our strongest and most reliable intuitive tools make for the best connectors to claircognizance. Stay receptive to what’s meant for you by keeping a quiet mindscape, affirming positive thoughts, and tracking hunches and patterns with the conscious objective being to open yourself up to more insightful communications.

Seek spiritual mentorship: Seasoned intuitives and psychics can show you how to harness the claircognizant abilities we each have within us. If you were gifted with a predisposition for this sense—or, if your spiritual cognizance has been lying dormant—the right coach can help you unlock your potential and support your purpose.

To be claircognizant is to be attuned to a unique and transcendent scholarship whose design is far beyond our full comprehension. It’s the purest version of information the universe has to offer. Claircognizance manifests as improvements in decision-making, self-awareness, creativity, and interpersonal relationships. 

In short, it’s raw enlightenment. And it’s right there, waiting for you to receive it. 

Tap into Your Own Claircognizance

The idea of claircognizance might sound out of reach, but all of us have a propensity to access the innate knowledge our soul wants us to utilize. Building a better understanding of what it means to be claircognizant involves turning inward and reflecting, which forces us to reckon with the obstacles that may hinder our progress as heart-led intuitives.

I encourage you to try my free quiz on intuitive gifts. It’ll point you in the right direction and provide a few tips on how to channel your primary “clair-” gift going forward. Who knows? Claircognizance could be yours.

My Soul Reading Method® course is also available for those looking to further develop their intuition! Our January 2024 program will inspire and brighten your new year so that you can become the most soulfully intelligent version of yourself. 

Work with me to broaden your spiritual horizons and awaken your claircognizance.


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