What Are the Five Signs of Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakenings can be tricky! They often evolve from a crisis or deep feelings of misalignment in our life, leaving us feeling shaken and unsure of our path.

Did you notice I said “awakenings”, plural?

That's right—you'll have many spiritual awakenings throughout your life. And while they can be uncomfortable, these moments are true gifts.

Awakenings are actually you remembering your soul's purpose. You're being called to make the brave changes to shift paths and live a heart-led life.

Let's explore the signs of spiritual awakening, so you can recognize these opportunities and view them with curiosity rather than fear.

1. You're Going Through a Crisis 

They say that crisis is a catalyst for change, and that couldn't be truer when it comes to spiritual awakening. I know it's hard, but if you're in the midst of a crisis, your soul is trying to communicate that you're on the wrong path.

We often end up on what I like to call the "default path"—the path that is expected of us. But it's not your soul's path, and you are being called to awaken and remember your true purpose.

It’s natural to want to fight this awakening, feeling like your world is crumbling and longing to return to a position of comfort. But I promise that, if you surrender and listen to your soul, you will be guided to new opportunities and spiritual growth.

2. What You Used to Tolerate Now Feels Painful 

Have you ever woken up and thought, "I can't handle this life anymore. It just feels so wrong—how did I create this?"

You're not alone.

When you start to work on your own healing, things begin to shift and change. You become stronger, more empowered, and aware of things that are not serving you. Frustration and anger may become primary emotions—and that's ok.

Sometimes the best way to identify the life we are meant to live is to face what's not working first. Don't resist the feelings of frustration. Lean in and get curious about what your soul is trying to tell you.

3. You're Experiencing Health Issues 

I've worked with thousands of clients, and when it comes to signs of spiritual awakening, experiencing health issues is a recurring theme. I've seen it across the board, time and time again, and it certainly presents many challenges.

When your soul is trying to get your attention but it can't get through, the body will show symptoms of misalignment. This is not to say that you caused your illness or did something wrong. Your soul is just pulling out all the stops to get your attention, and health issues can make us surrender in a way we can't ignore.

If you're faced with a chronic or unexplainable illness, you may find yourself going down rabbit holes that lead to a deeper spiritual awareness. Take time to listen to your soul and be patient. The journey back to health is part of the awakening, and I promise there is meaning and purpose to be found on that path.

4. You Start to Understand the Separation of Mind, Body, and Soul 

As you start to awaken, you realize that you are more than just this human body. You are a soul that has lived many lifetimes, seeded in your physical form. And most importantly, you are more than your thoughts.

I think of my body as the car, my mind as the engine, and soul as the driver.

Understanding this separation of mind, body, and soul is crucial in awakening. Many people explain the experience as having a veil lifted or stepping out of the matrix. Your mind has been on default mode, and now that you are communicating with your soul, you know your true essence.

This powerful realization allows you to distinguish the ego from the soul and create a life aligned with your true purpose.

5. You're Asking Big Questions 

When we're going through an awakening, it's common to start asking questions like:

What am I doing with my life?

Is this all there is?

Why am I really here?

Sometimes it can feel like we're never happy, and we question why we can't just be content like our friends.

But the truth is, you're not unhappy or ungrateful. Your soul just has a bigger and more creative plan for you. The questions you ask are a sign that you remember your soul's contract.

Connect with your intuition and listen to the messages you're receiving. You may not get a clear answer immediately, but keep following the breadcrumbs and the path will reveal itself.

Awaken to Your Soul's True Purpose 

If you're experiencing signs of spiritual awakening, pay attention and lean in.

I know it can be an emotional and confusing time, but it's also incredibly exciting. You're remembering your soul's true purpose and awakening to the expansiveness of your existence.

Embrace your awakening, enjoy the adventure, and if you'd like to uncover more of your soul's wisdom, join me in my on-demand course Soul Led Purpose.

You'll gain a deeper understanding of your soul's purpose and a tangible blueprint you can refer to when you feel you have strayed from your authentic path.

Your soul is calling you to take this journey, and I would love to be your guide.



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