How to Connect With Your Spirit Guide

Communication is a wonderful thing. The trouble with spirit guides, though, is that they aren’t as straightforward about communicating as we would like. 

Maybe this is the first time you’ve tried and failed to get a response from the divine, or maybe it’s the ten-thousandth. Either way, if your spirit guide isn’t responsive, it can leave you feeling ignored, unimportant, and frustrated.

The good news is there is a way to get in touch with the divine guidance all around you. Odds are, you just need a little guidance. Learning how to connect with your spirit guide can take time, but I promise you it’s worth it.

The wisdom of connection is already within you…so I’m just going to give your soul a refresher course here so you can feel that comfort and guidance from your guides every day.

1. Pay Attention to Signs That Are Already There 

Firstly, know that your spirit guide is dying to connect with you. Just like your soul has a purpose in this life, your spirit guide’s purpose is to teach and guide you with love and light. Your spirit guide has been divinely assigned to you for a reason, and they are constantly communicating with you. The little messages and signs are always there, but we must slow down and tap into our intuition to notice.

I know life can be busy, but try blocking out some time in your calendar for the sole purpose of connecting with your spirit guide. Quiet your mind, be still and listen to what comes through your being. If you find slowing down and tapping into your intuition challenging, try meditation to clear your mind. I even created a meditation specifically for meeting your spirit guide, and you can download it here for FREE.

It can also be helpful to create a ritual and intention around connecting. For example, clear your space of clutter and light a candle or perhaps have your favorite crystals nearby. Do what feels meaningful to you to honor this sacred time.

2. Create a Habit of Looking for Signs 

The more you listen and look for signs, the better you will get at sensing them. When you start to connect with your spirit guide, there are typically three ways they try to catch your attention.

  • Numbers – seeing patterns of numbers on a clock, your phone, or sometimes even license plates are common signs that your guide is trying to communicate with you. For example, many people report seeing the numbers 1111 or 222.

  • Songs – if you hear a particular song repeatedly or perhaps the lyrics to a certain verse over and over, pay attention. Obviously, this doesn’t usually apply to popular songs that are trending on the radio, but more specifically, songs that are meaningful to you or possibly hold a connection or memory to a loved one.

  • The power of three – have you ever had the experience where a friend tells you to read a specific book, and then the next day, the same book shows up on Instagram, and then while listening to a podcast, the host mentions the book…and you think OK I get the message! Your spirit guide uses the power of three to get your attention, so listen carefully.

Try setting a reminder for yourself every day to intentionally connect and notice the signs and messages. Then, talk to your spirit guide and let them know you are open to receiving their guidance. You can even ask them to send a specific sign, like a yellow butterfly or anything meaningful to you.

The more you notice these divine messages and signs, the more your spiritual guide will send.

3. Start a Spirit Guide Journal 

Learning how to connect with your spirit guide is a journey, and I highly recommend documenting the process. Find a suitable journal and take note of the messages and signs you have sensed, and explore your thoughts about what they mean.

I love the quote by visionary writer Joan Didion…

“I don’t know what I think until I write it down.”

This quote takes on special meaning when connecting with your spirit guide. Try using your journal to write letters to your guide, and don’t be afraid to ask them questions like, “What do you look like?” or “What era are you from?”

Get curious, and then write down everything that comes into your consciousness. Writing is such a powerful form of communication, and you’ll be surprised just how much you learn when you connect to your guide in this way.

4. Take a Load Off 

There are times when our minds are so burdened with stress that there simply isn’t enough bandwidth available for connection. If there is a particular problem that is worrying you, try and surrender it to your spirit guide. Ask them for help and guidance, and give yourself a break from carrying the load.

Sometimes clearing your mind of stress by surrendering the problem for spiritual guidance can free your consciousness to see solutions and messages that were there all along.

Help Yourself by Helping Others Connect With Their Spirit Guides 

When learning how to connect with your spirit guide, remember that any good relationship takes time, and you have to work at it. You may not understand what they say straight away, but eventually, it will become part of your everyday experience, and you will rest in the comfort of their guidance and protection.

Have you ever heard the saying…the best way to learn is to teach? If you’re longing to get even closer to your spiritual guide, consider enrolling in The Soul Reading Method, my three-month course for becoming a spiritual teacher. By the end of the course, you’ll be a Certified Intuitive and know how to conduct a full one-hour reading with your own clients.

The simple fact that you are reading this post tells me that your soul is calling you to this important work. And what better way to learn how to connect with your spiritual guide even more deeply than to help others learn to do the same?

If that feels like too big of a step, you may enjoy starting off with my on-demand program, Soul Seeker. It is on-demand, self-paced, and perfect for the spiritual newbie.


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