
Why did you join the program?

I joined the program to develop and support my intuition that I always knew was there but didn't know the specifics to truly come into alignment to help people. I knew this was the right fit for me because I listened to hours of NIkki's podcast, she seemed so genuine and knowledgeable. When I looked at the course content I felt that the things had aligned with me and what I wanted to know. Some signs were the timing in my life that I found out about the program and how I could feel that my intuition was getting stronger. I also purchased Soul Seeker and had the live calls with Nikki. I knew after those calls that I wanted to dive deeper.

What did you love most about the program?

I love the community built, the topics covered, the guest speakers. The way that the modules were set up. The PDFS were super helpful.

What was your experience like in the practice circles?

I made connections with my group members and I felt like I grew so much with the weekly practice circles.

What do you plan to do with the skills you learned in the program?

I intend to start a business and merge this with my yoga teaching. I also intend to use my skills to incorporate into a masters of counseling that will seek to provide intuitive/energy healing to allow for holistic counseling than just the concepts of psychology and the mind.

Anything else you want to share with prospective students? 

This program will change your life, and will make you understand how capable you are. How you can provide people the tools to support their healing and journeys on this earth :)



