
Why did you join the program?

I initially joined the program to deepen my skills within the Akashic Records, but what I gained was so much more. After listening to Nikki on a few podcasts, I was blown away by the amount of knowledge she had on all things spiritual. I had never invested this much money in myself before, but when I signed up it was a full body yes.

What did you love most about the program?

I loved the community that comes with the SRM. The friendships I've created through this program will be long lasting friendships. I loved being able to reach out to other students and discuss what I was going through feel validated that any were feeling the same. Confidence and mastery are things I received from the program; the confidence in myself and my gifts as well as the mastery of how to use them all. I am so sovereign!

What was your experience like in the practice circles?

Practice circles were so amazing. The intimate groups allowed for more free flowing, and casual conversation of the weekly topics we were practicing. The friendships I've created through this program will be long lasting friendships and I will be forever grateful to Nikki.

What do you plan to do with the skills you learned in the program?

After starting a beta business in October 2022, I was able to read 25 people within the Akashic Records. Now I have so many tools to provide readings, healings and activations with me. I am currently providing Soul Readings on a donation based offering and have been able to evolve my Soul Reading method so much through the evolution of this program. I'm excited to create MY Soul Reading Method. I am currently taking Alyssa Nobriga's year long coaching certification and have also been using my medium and psychic abilities within coaching calls that have been really well received. My intention is to heal, as I am a healer. My goal is to be an intuitive coach who uses Soul Readings as "discovery calls" into my coaching container. I will use my medium and psychic abilities, as well as all the reading and healing tools taught to me in the program to help be the best coach I can be. I will help others create the lives of their dreams, but helping them eliminate any limiting beliefs and incorporating more JOY into their lives.

Anything else you want to share with prospective students? 

Join Nikki's SRM is a no brainer! Just do it!



