Release Control Of Your Manifestations

How to play this game:

Tune into your heart and ask yourself a question. Decide if your question will be answered by message number one or message number two.

Let me know in the comments what came up for you!

Note: this is a recording from Nikki's Monday Message originally posted on Instagram.

Intuitive Messages

Message One:

This is such a hard one. T release control of your plans, or what you're manifesting. It feels like you have brought like your manifestation as far as you can, or you've maybe brought your plans as far as you can. And something's really brewing right now, which is so exciting.

But you almost can't predict or control exactly how it's gonna happen or when it's gonna happen. We're at the final stages, it just needs space to grow on its own. It needs space to bloom on its own. What you can do, since you can't really control it or force it, you can bless it with intention.

It kind of reminds me of raising a teenager. I've done as much as I can right until this point. She's about to be 17. I've given her all the foundation that I can, and she's growing into a woman. But at this point, I don't have a lot of control. I can say prayers and intentions for her and sit back and watch her grow into who she was meant to become. But I can't really get my hands in it anymore.

So that's kind of what it feels like about whatever it is that you're working on.

You've brought it this far. And it's good enough. At this point, there is going to be some wildcard. Aly, my daughter, I've given her what I've taught her, but she's gonna do what she wants with it. She'll take some good and she'll leave the bad. I can't predict exactly what that's going to look like. If I do, then it's just going to be inauthentic and just like a replica. It's really time for her to be whatever she wants to be.

So that's kind of what this feels like that at this point. I trust.

Let the thing that you're asking about, let it become what it's meant to become. It feels good to me. It does not feel like a scary thing or that you didn't do enough.

But it just feels like it's a little different than what you could imagine. Almost like you're wanting to be kind of a cookie cutter or you want it to look a certain way. And that's just our controlling nature to think that our way is the best way. But there's this even better, more fun and creative way of being.

The thing that you want it to be. So to trust that process and let the creative process happen.

It also feels like in the meantime, what you can do is take its lead.

Maybe you're setting an intention for money. Let's say you're like: “Okay, I really want this to work and I want to make this amount of money.” It's not that you'll forget it and let it go but it feels almost like letting go of the money story or, or how that money thing is working out.

Let it talk to you. lt does feel like it's a time to listen and receive guidance from the thing that you're creating.

So going back to my example of raising a teenager, I would listen to what she's needing and, which is so hard to do, taking her direction and following her direction. So whatever it is that you're trying to create, or that you're working on, listen to it, observe it. I didn't like manifesting money. And I'm really feeling like this client just brought this to my attention. And they had no idea. And everyone thought that this could be an offer. And I feel like it's telling me to follow this path.

So a lot more listening and a lot more following. Less controlling and less dictating your own path on it.

It feels like this thing that you're creating has a very strong spirit guides with you. It looks like there is something protecting this thing. It could be an ancestor or a spirit guide.

And to receive the guidance from that and follow this is like not a place for you to put your own will, basically. Okay, all right.

Message Two:

Number two is kind of related. Have you picked both, I can see why because they kind of go together.

And I feel like what you're asking about here requires patience. And a bit of hard work. I know, nobody wants to hear that. But it feels like a very grounded time in the thing that you're asking about. It just feels like this is the place where I don't question myself and I just go. And I just do what I need to do. I put my head down and work. That's what it feels like.

I just need to take the steps. I don't need big vision strategy. I don't need to have conversations about it.

I need to go deep into the work.

And some of the work might be a healing work. I just gotta go for it. Because it does feel like there's healing in this, but it's almost a healing that you know needs to happen.

That has been there and that you just have to commit to it.

And there's also a level of patience to this. It kind of makes me feel that you might have changed up the path here. And because of that, it's going to take a little bit longer.

So be patient here.

But not being patient as like, “Oh, I'll just wait for it to happen.” But being patient, with the work that needs to be done in order for it to come. You can't rush this work, these depths that you're going into. And it could be tasks, like I just got to do these 10 things. And it's hard. It’s kind of like saying, “I can't wait for a book to come out.” But I still have to write those 10 chapters. I got to sit my butt down and write those chapters in order for that thing to come.

So physically you can't rush the thing that you want without really grounding into the present day tasks. That's another message. This is very like present day. And you may be working towards something that you see in the future. But you already know what that is.

That's very clear, that message is very clear.

But what is calling you today and what needs to be done today?

With manifesting money, maybe today it's like, I have to open up a savings account and I need to start putting automatic withdrawal. So it feels like it's kind of annoying work. Even healing work. It's like annoying but like it needs to get done.

That's what this feels like. This will move as quickly or as fast as your pace towards working with these hard things.

If you're asking about when — you hate to hear the word “patience”. It happens as fast as your dedication to the hard things. The speed has to do with your speed within the commitment to what needs to be done for that thing.

You're going to need a lot of grounding and a lot of focus for this. So anything that helps you focus anything that helps ground you, anything that really helps you stay on task is what's needed right now.

This is not the place for doubt.

This is not even the place for creativity.

Honestly, this is a place for just doing what needs to be done.

So some of your creative ideas won't even be super rewarded here. It's just doing the thing that you know need to be done.


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