When Will I Meet My Soulmate?

If you’re feeling called to be in a romantic relationship, it's important to know that this is meant for you. How do we know this? Because our desires (the ones that come from heart and not ego) are clues towards what is in our soul’s contract.

If you’re reading this, love is in your contract. Meaning, it’s your destiny. And when something is our destiny, we just need to figure out how to get out of our own way.

In today’s Ask Nikki, I downloaded messages for those of us who are ready to meet our person, but feeling like maybe we’re blocking the natural flow. The message was a reminder to focus on ourselves and to allow the universe to surprise us with the gifts we are wishing for. 

Thank you for trusting me with these questions. Leave a comment below with what resonated. And don’t forget to share and subscribe!


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